
Fleur de Loire celebrates Pink October.

Every October, Fleur de Loire turns pink.

All of the teams at Fleur de Loire have decided to take part in Pink October, a month devoted to the fight against breast cancer, a disease which affects more than 54,000 women each year. During Pink October, the hotel’s staff will wear a pink ribbon to show their support and the property’s exterior will also be lit up in pink at night.

To ensure effective support for this great cause, Fleur de Loire has devised a wide-ranging programme, including two musical events which will be held in the hotel’s bar on two Thursday evenings. These events will be an opportunity to socialise and enjoy the hotel’s specially developed Pink October cocktail and pâtisserie.
The head bartender has created a sweet and fruity cocktail combining gin, Lillet, sparkling water and cranberry syrup, known as the Madame.
All the money raised from sales of this cocktail will be donated to the National League Against Cancer . This charity provides cancer-related support, before, during and after diagnosis and treatment and also funds research into the disease.
Fleur de Loire’s pastry chef has also created a sweet treat for Pink October, which he has named “La vie en rose”.
This delightful dessert features a hibiscus mousse, a lemon biscuit, a grapefruit cream, fresh grapefruit, a flaxseed crisp and hibiscus and grapefruit syrup. 50% of the proceeds will be donated to the charity.

On Thursday 6 October, Clarisse Millet, a rock ‘n’ roll singer from Blois, came with her group to perform an incredible concert at Fleur de Loire.

The next musical event will be held on Thursday 20 October when Fleur de Loire will welcome the contemporary soul singer Léo. This will be another opportunity to raise awareness of this important cause and to show our support and we look forward to seeing you there.

For more information and to book, contact our booking service on +33 (0)2 46 68 01 20

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